Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Forgotten Holocaust by Pete Roper

The Forgotten Holocaust

Their king had died and envious greedy foreign eyes looked rapaciously upon the kingdom’s arable land and great riches.  The childless king had named his man on his deathbed and the powerful men of the land had backed their dead king’s choice, he was so obviously the best man suited to the job of defending the realm, a warrior of great renown and a man of the people, a large handsome man, a family man, a loyal man, a man of honour and for once the people and the church of the new religion were singing from the same hymn sheet.  Even the old gods were probably happy.  The realm was safe, the people were happy, the king was dead, long live the king!

Then they came.  Determined, cruel and violent, an army of foreigners intent on occupation and subjugation.   A terrifying fighting force of hardened seasoned warriors that had come to take the land from the good people and the gold and silver from the churches and abbeys.   They did battle most ferociously killing thousands and stormed a great city with fire and sword, then fell back to their camp to enjoy the spoils of war where the brave new king of the people fell upon them with great vengeance and speed and a terrible battle was fought.  What was left of the foreign army fled in their boats while the king buried his many brave dead.  But the foreign invaders had been repelled.  The king had prevailed and the people were ecstatic and happy with their great new king.

Then the others came.  Devils!  Determined, cruel and violent, a new army of foreigners swelled with mercenaries from far off hot places with state-of-the-art weapons such as the crossbow, never seen ‘til then.  They had come for nothing but plunder and gain with no care for or love of the indigenous people of a land they had no right to be in.  They systematically set about laying waste to all the land they came upon.  They killed the folk on their farms and burned their houses to the ground and stole and raped.  Their leader had come to take the crown from the great new king of the people claiming it to be rightfully his, which it most certainly was not.  Armed with many lies and great liars to spread their lies by written word and sown fabric. Their lies would trick the world into believing their right to invade and murder innocent people.

The brave and brilliant new king rushed to meet the new invaders, though his warriors were tired and many had died in the previous battle, but he rushed to defend the kingdom and his beloved people. 
There they bravely stood upon a ridge, on their own soil, in a tightly packed shield-wall unable to wait and watch while these foreign Devils taunted them, and so the battle began, even before the rest of the defenders had even had a chance to arrive.  But the foreign army did not fight with honour and bravery, they fought cowardly and from afar.  They filled the air with thousands of arrows and crossbow bolts, bolts that split shields in two and left a man terribly vulnerable.  Then the foreigners charged on great man-killing fighting beasts instead of standing on their own two feet like real men, fighting shield-wall to shield-wall, like men.  No, not this army.

The defenders fought bravely and they fought hard, they fought for their land, their families and their king.  They fought for their lives, but bit by bit the defenders of the happy realm began to lose the battle, their lines ragged and battered, their numbers too reduced by the thousands of cowardly mercenary archers.  Then, terribly, the king is injured, badly, a bolt or an arrow through his forehead, piercing his eye.  He is in terrible pain, but still he fights on.  Panic along the lines.  Faltering men, becoming fearful, realising for the first time the battle could be lost, then a devastating terrible charge straight into the king and his hand-picked warriors, the heart of the army is hacked to pieces, the king takes a terrible sword blow across his thigh and blood sprays in a wide arc, yet still he fights on, he has fought all day long, his army has fought all day long, yet still his sword is raised aloft in his hand to meet the foreign bastards.  He is cut down and disembowelled and horrifically beheaded.  The defending army breaks and scatters, running for their lives, all hope lost now, the king is dead.  They are hunted down and cut down to a man.  The foreigners run wild in a killing frenzy, only too aware that they came within a whisper of being on the losing side regardless of their un-heroic tactics and mighty papal banner given with the backing of the Catholic Church in Rome.  They slaughtered everyone and then left their corpses to rot on the field of battle those glorious dead of the people of the land, so forsaken by the new religion.  

The foreigners spent the next months laying waste everywhere they went.  Murdering.  Stealing.  Raping.  They only wanted the land and the spoils, the people they killed, the people they hated and despised.  So much of the land and livestock was destroyed and stolen the powerful men of the church of the new religion turned their backs on the people and bent their knees to the foreign army’s leader to save their own wealth and land and declared him king.  KING!  A foreigner with no right to the throne.  No right to the land!  An act that terribly weakened any possible future resistance.  With the backing of the churchmen, the people could have found resolve, they could regrouped in great numbers and fought back, with the knowledge that God was actually on THEIR side they could still have repelled the invaders or even slaughtered them to a man.  But the churchmen didn’t care about that, they didn’t really care for England, they only cared for themselves and their church of Rome. 

The new foreign king took all the land from the people of the land and gave it to his foreign partners in crime until none of the people of the land owned their own land and their new foreign landlords were cruel and vicious and greedy who taxed and taxed and taxed until the people starved and died, in their hundreds by their thousands ‘til they could take this no longer and so they rebelled against their cruel foreign enslavers with their cruel greedy king.

The king fell upon the people like a wolf on lambs.  He lay waste the whole of the north of the land ‘til no person lived and nothing grew, no building stood, no bird sang and one hundred thousand people died, men, women and children starved to death in the great harsh winter that followed.   The land and the people would take many years to recover, the people far longer.  The king cared nought for these things nor did the Church.

The men of the church that had forsaken the good people of the land out of greed and selfishness soon found that they had saved nothing for themselves as their churches and lands were removed from them and given to foreign churchmen ‘til no churchman of the land held his own church anymore.  And so they then encouraged rebellion, but it was too late.  The foreign enslavers had built great castles across the land in great numbers and more and more foreigners flooded in to take that which wasn’t theirs to take.  This was the fate of the English and the last true king of England, King Harold, at the hands of the French and William the bastard and his evil grasping henchmen.

The descendents of the perpetrators of these heinous crimes are still our landlords to this day, they own something like 95% of the land of England and they have done their upmost to remove good king Harold from the history books calling him usurper, purgeror, liar, but they are the liars and their lies are still peddled to this day, because they are the establishment these haughty high and mighty people who seem so different from the rest of us and are still our subjugators.  They still have us enslaved!  This is our plight as the Anglo-Saxon people ruled by an aristocracy of foreign blood and origins.  Is it any wonder the Catholic Church is so mistrusted in England when the pope in Rome set the Devil loose upon our ancestors, on Christian Anglo-Saxon England and looked on happily as he fed upon the corpse?  And is it any wonder the English are generally not keen on the French when when after all of this the bastard’s offspring and their offspring after them continued to rule over the people of England with an iron fist all preferring to speak French instead of English and being buried in their beloved France after their deaths?
These are the reasons the governing classes, the aristocratic families and the establishment will never be at one with the people of England.  They have led our people to great slaughter in great wars over a thousand years and still they despise us.  We make them richer and richer with our toil while we all grow poorer and poorer, yet still they despise us.  They are not us.  They are of William, we are of Harold.  The king is dead!  Long live the king!

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